4 working ways to view Instagram stories anonymously

In our article today we will talk about methods that allow you not to leave traces while viewing and downloading IG stories. The owner of the page will never guess that someone visited him. There are really many reasons why people want to watch stories without revealing their identity and attention to this information. But the popular social network simply does not allow you to maintain your privacy - if the blog author clicks the corresponding button, he will see all the guests of his page in IG. Fortunately, this problem can still be solved, and we will tell you about four options for doing this.

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Additional Instagram profile

This is a really effective way to keep your name a secret, and at the same time view Instagram stories anonymously. To do this, create an additional Instagram account and enter some information there, or you can leave it completely empty. Using a fake Instagram profile, you can not only view photos and videos in other people's IG blogs, but even leave comments, put "likes", i.e. use Insta to the fullest without risking being discovered.

A great way, but do not use any information in this profile that could link the account to your real identity. Come up with some non-standard nickname that is definitely impossible to associate with you. Ideally, use another device if you have two smartphones or a smartphone and a tablet, a computer, etc. The fact is that when blocking a specific Instagram account, users often choose the option to block all accounts that were created on one device. It is better to avoid this negative scenario. Also, this option is fraught with accidental disclosure of your identity - you can simply get confused, and, for example, not switch between accounts to view Instagram stories anonymously if you use one device. Or simply mix up smartphones if you use separate surfing for each of your Instagram accounts. Thus, chance and absent-mindedness can ruin your cunning plan.

Watch Insta stories before they're deleted

This is a simple and effective, but risky method of anonymously viewing content in Insta. In order for the method to work, you need to know at least approximately (preferably, the exact) time of publication of the story in the Instagram profile you are interested in. If the time is known, then you also know the time of transferring the story to the archive. Just go and view the story 5-10 minutes before it is deleted.

You will remain anonymous and get the information you need. The method is simple and effective, you can only be detected if the blog author checks the statistics of his visitors every 5 minutes. However, there is still a risk, albeit small. The difficulty here is also that it is difficult to track the exact time of publication of the story in IG without opening it.

Blocking possibilities

Another interesting way to view Instagram stories without advertising your close attention. The principle is quite simple: if you block an IG user immediately after viewing their stories, your nickname will not be visible in the list of visitors to their page. After the story is deleted from Insta over time, you can remove the user from the blacklist and restore the status quo.

In order to block someone on IG, go to that person's profile, go to additional options (the button with three dots), select the "Block" command. Unblocking can also be done through the profile, but if you have lost the link to the user's page, no problem. Just go to "Settings" - "Privacy", and then find the Instagram profile you need in the "Blocked accounts" list.

Using the best programs

If the first three methods described can be called "amateur", since they are simple and based on the capabilities built into the social network, then the following technique is already a professional approach. It is the opportunity to watch and get any content on a permanent basis.

It's a program that allows you to enjoy content in IG without revealing your identity and your interest in a particular blogger. Anonymous surfing of Insta pages can be organized:

through special websites that realize their full potential through a browser;

by installing applications for viewing Instagram stories without adding your name to the list of blog visitors.

There are simple Instagram viewers that simply copy and transfer content to their shell, but there are also software solutions that will also allow you to collect and process a lot of statistical data. This makes it possible to analyze the development of competitors' channels and build effective strategies for audience growth, increasing the level of reader engagement.

Instagram story viewer is an effective way to view content in IG anonymously. You get everything you need, while keeping your identity a secret. Viewing stories without advertising your attention, saving photos and videos you like, collecting and analyzing statistical data, generating analytical reports - it's all possible with anonymous Instagram story viewers.. Just compare the options of these programs and choose the one you like.